
How do I order my ecommerce website package?

To order your new ecommerce website package click here

Simply choose a new domain name or use a domain name you already own.

(We offer free registration of any .com.au domain name such as www.yourbiz.com.au for 2 years valued at $49.00.)

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Verwandte Artikel

01. How long will it take to setup my website?

Within 24 hours you will be able to login to your website to add your products. The custom...

02. How does the design process work?

After you order, you will receive an email asking you to fill out the form at this page. The...

03. Do I get a free domain name?

You will receive a free 2 year domain registration with your ecommerce website. Every 2 years you...

04. How much does web hosting cost?

Web hosting is free for the first year. After the first year you can renew your web hosting for...

05. Are there any hidden fees?

There are no hidden fees whatsoever. You can cancel anytime.

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